
Security, Programming, Pentesting



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31 October 2014

Beginner's Guide to Pentesting

by {"login"=>"averagesecurityguy", "email"=>"stephen@averagesecurityguy.info", "display_name"=>"averagesecurityguy", "first_name"=>"", "last_name"=>""}

A while back I wrote a book called "Hack Yourself First." I put the book up on LuLu and sold 29 copies. I appreciate all the folks who bought my book and I hope you found it worth the price.

Over the last few years I've made an attempt at selling software, selling consulting services, and selling this book but I've learned that I'm not a salesman. I have no desire to try to convince you that you need the services or products that I offer. It's just not in me. So, like other projects that I have created with the intention of selling, I've decided this project should open sourced.

My book is no longer for sale on LuLu, instead it is available as a Word document from this site. The book is released under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International license. Feel free to use the book as is for learning or teaching penetration testing. You can also modify the book as long as you give proper attribution, aren't making money off the sale of the book, and share your modifications under the same license.

I hope you enjoy the book, you can download it as a Word document or as a PDF.
